Cassandra Jones
Forest Play Teacher
Cassie Jones is passionate about sensory learning and experiences, play, and nature in early education, but also developing this capacity across the lifespan. Cassie believes that if we can foster a way of being in the world that allows for sensory, nature-based play its benefits will carry throughout every phase of life. She loves witnessing and holding space for childhood enchantment and the magic that unfolds when we gather in the forest to learn, grow, and create in relation with each other and the land.
Cassie's background as a medical anthropologist has led her to deepen her understanding of cross-cultural research's therapeutic benefits of nature on development and wellness. Her experience as a child who grew up in a log cabin in the woods, where she played freely in nature, developed her deep commitment to the value of sensory play and imaginative play. Cassie is compassionate and empathetic, actively committed to connecting with and meeting each child where they are in order to recognize and valourize their individual uniqueness as people. She loves to laugh and believes in finding the joy in every single day - which is easiest in the forest.
Cassie is committed to lifelong learning, working both in community education with youth and is present for transitions across the life cycle, researching and volunteering as an end-of-life doula with people experiencing serious illness. Cassie has over 10 years of experience as a community educator working with diverse groups, specifically underserved youth and communities on challenging topics and complex social issues. Cassie is sensitive to children's diverse needs and present for children and the youth she works with. Cassandra received her BA in Anthropology, McGill University and holds an MSc in Medical Anthropology from the University of Oxford. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Education at McGill University while also pursuing her Forest and Nature School practitioner certification with the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada. She is a certified end-of-life doula and yoga teacher. Cassie loves a good story and uses poetry as a method of inquiry and a way of understanding the world. Cassie is happiest amongst the elements -- passionate about all things plants -- herbalism, gardening, wildcrafting, among other outdoor activities like hiking, sailing and just being out on the water.